What We Do!

What We Do at the SLV Local Foods Coalition

Local Food Guide
 “Local Roots” is a print and online guide which connects consumers to fresh healthy foods in the SLV by informing the public which farmers and ranchers sell their products locally.  The guide promotes economic development and connections between direct market producers and consumers towards the creation of a sustainable local foods system. 

Cooking Matters
The LFC, in partnership with Cooking Matters Colorado (CMC), offers this cooking and nutrition education program that provides low-income individuals and families in the with the knowledge and tools to eat healthy on a budget.  In collaboration with local chefs and nutrition educators, courses will be offered throughout the San Luis Valley.

Healthy Habits 
The goal of this cooperative partnership is to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the SLV and to raise awareness of good nutrition particularly among low-income residents.  Healthy Habits provides healthy cooking demonstrations and recipes at two farmers markets.  The group also distributes farmers’ market produce vouchers to at-risk populations through partner agencies.

Alamosa Farmers Market
The Local Foods Coalition cooperates with the Alamosa Farmers’ Market to provide local consumers- of all income levels- with educational programs that promote fresh local and regional foods.

San Luis Valley Food Audit Partnership
In collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center, the LFC is working on a San Luis Valley Food Audit, which examines the accessibility, availability, and affordability of healthy, organic, and local foods within the six-county area. 

In partnership with the Alamosa Community Gardens, the LFC hosts Garden-in-a-Box, an effective and inexpensive way for families to learn healthy and self-sufficient ways to feed their families through gardening. 

Child at Heart Food Service Directors Network
This Network is an effort to encourage the Valley school districts to work more collaboratively and to begin to look at ways that they can bring more healthy and local foods into their cafeterias.

Educational Workshops and Films
The Local Foods Coalition regularly offers free or low-cost events such as workshops, speakers, and films to the public.

Policy Work
The LFC actively promotes policies that support farm to table and a locally sustainable food system.

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